Welcome to my web sites!

I made a few websites with different providers. With my fourth site I needed bigger space because it's my music-site with lots of music and pictures. This site is also a portal to my three other sites.

You are now connected to a site at One.Com where I bought some webspace as a stage for my music. If you want to continue click one of the links you find below.

1.    Herco's Music Site

Click the photo

This site is primarily for my own pleasure. To look back on my musical past and to post my future work. You will find photo's of my musical life as well, like the one you see on the left.

This photo was made by the Dutch newsagency ANP during a rehearsel for my appearance on a talentshow on national television in 1972 - I was 23 years old. 
I have been into music for more than 50 years, but never as a professional. 

I studied accordion for about 9 years, but also played organ in a group: The (Soul) Connection.

When I started working I played at work with some of my colleages. I played synthesizer and Fenderpiano. I did some composing and arranging during that time.

I also worked in a studio (SVEM) where I could play with computers, mainly the CMI Fairlight IIx and III.
Now I am 58 and make my music on a Yamaha PSR3000.

2.    SERIE-TV (Dutch)

This was my first website on the webspace of my provider,  worldonline.nl, taken over by tiscali.nl. When it was recently taken over by Telfort my site disappeared. Now it is back on One.com.

It's all about the TV-series that were broadcast in my country: The Netherlands. I have always been interested in the music of TV-themes. So I wanted to do something with it. To cut a long story short: it ended in the website where TV-series are discussed by theme, like "Children in TV-series", "Music in TV-series", Robin Hood-series, etc. There is no music on this site for reasons you will understand.

There is an English intro, but the site is in Dutch.

3. My Genealogy-site.

Genealogy is something I picked up recently. I like to know where I came from. It's an interesting tree that leads back to Germany, Belgium and France.

This link leads to my site provided by ONE.COM

4.  Mijn Weblog.

Like everyone else (so it seems) I have a weblog. On this weblog I like to put my thoughts about many things. The weblog is in Dutch, but maybe I will add another one in English.


This page was last updated on 16-jan-2010.